⚡ New version development progress
Version 3.2.3 (build 502), 08.01.2025:
- fixed incorrect accounting of the TITLE tag in SVG files
- fixed incorrect operation of the «Minimum Text/HTML ratio» filter
Version 3.2.2 (build 500), 03.01.2025:
- added display of Title and Description tags length in pixels
- fixed incorrect parsing for generated pages as «{{» signs at the end of URLs
- fixed incorrect operation of the «Pages with HTTP / HTTPS versions» filter of the «SEO Statistics» tab
- fixed Google PageSpeed check errors (however, due to the PageSpeed bug, it still doesn't display for some sites)
Version 3.2 (build 495), 16.12.2024:
- added the ability to virtually crawl sites without physically writing data to the database (Virtual Crawl)
- added detailed descriptions of errors displayed by filters of the «SEO Statistics» tab on the «Info» panel
- added display of Robots.txt file rules for pages that are prohibited from indexing
- fixed incorrect proxy operation when running the program and verifying the license key
- the maximum possible value of the «Request Timeout» parameter has been increased up to 3600 seconds
- virtual Robots.txt it has become individual for each site
Version 3.1.4 (build 488), 30.10.2024:
- fixed incorrect definition of page nesting level
- fixed incorrect accounting of the «BASE HREF» meta tag
- fixed incorrect scanning of sites
- fixed incorrect accounting of exceptions and URL followings
- fixed incorrect detection of duplicates of Title, Description, H1
- restored checking for program updates at startup
- fixed incorrect accounting of the «BASE HREF» meta tag when scanning sites
- fixed incorrect processing of the «A HREF» links with parameters like «?some_var»
Version 3.1.1 (build 480), 16.09.2024:
- optimized parsing of the Description tag
- restored the display of Meta Robots values
- optimized processing of HTTP -> HTTPS redirects
- fixed somewhat incorrect parsing of H1 headers
- added the ability to remove selection from all fields in the Excel export window
- fixed the «Thread N Access violation at address...» error, causing the program freeze
Version 3.1 (build 473), 18.07.2024:
- added the «Indexability» column, displaying the possibility of page indexation through taking into account the rules of Robots.txt, Meta robots, X-Robots-Tag
- added automatic sorting by HashHTML, Title, Description, H1 fields in the «Duplicates» tab when filtering through the pop-up menu
- fixed a bug with loading Title, Description, H1-H6 from the database
- fixed the «Bad Paraments or other API misuse» error for pages whih entry causes an exception in the database
- corrected incorrect processing of URLs containing the project domain as part of an external domain URL
- fixed the incident when processing empty images embedded in HTML code
- optimized database queries
Version 3.0.6 (build 466), 17.06.2024:
- fixed incorrect counting of TITLE duplicates
- rectified incorrect parsing of links like «./?p=2»
- fixed incorrect parsing of sites using Javascript
- corrected activity of the «Exclude URLs» section for external links
- fixed disappearance of data in the «Content Type» field when switching projects
Version 3.0.5 (build 460), 21.05.2024:
- increased the speed of scanning sites, as well as the procedure for recording pages after scanning
- fixed incorrect processing of relative URLs for pages with parameters in the URL and an empty BaseHref
- fixed bugs with tabs and progress bar in the application icon («Access Violation» errors)
- added the ability to specify the database location file (only for the paid version)
- freezes when scanning «large» sites rich in images have been fixed
- display of the data export menu in the Info panel has been restored
- visualization of content uniqueness calculation has been optimized
- the ability to delete projects in «Demo» mode has been restored
- fixed not correct checking of page indexing in Google
Version 3.0.4 (build 453), 09.04.2024:
- the ability to prohibit cleaning of the current database was added to the installation program
- the «Source» column has been added to the «External», «Video» and «Documents» tabs
- incorrect parsing of H1-H6 tags has been fixed
- added the option to disable the program output to the foreground of the screen after scanning the project
Version 3.0.3 (build 448), 02.04.2024:
- fixed incorrect scanner operation when not all available pages of the site were scanned
- increased the speed of site scanning being especially noticeable on slow PCs
- added the ability to specify User-Agent while importing Sitemap.xml
- the operation of the «Exclude URL» and «Include URL» sections in program settings has been restored
- fixed a program freeze emerging when adding a list of sites from 100 URLs or more
- accounting of Javascript files has been restored (files *.js) when parsing sites
- added the ability to scroll the tabs of the block with the main project data with the mouse
- rapid search through the project list
Version 3.0.2 (build 437), 30.01.2024:
- fixed a bug where site scanning was not always started
- fixed incorrect data filtering for sections of the «Custom Filters» tab
- fixed incorrect operation of the «Exclude URL» and «Include URL» settings sections when scanning sites
- the filters «Internal NoFollow links» and «External NoFollow links» of the «SEO Statistics» tab have been restored
- added clickability for URLs displayed by filters in the «Custom Filters» panel
Version 3.0.1 (build 427), 24.10.2023:
- fixed bug occurring when paying with PayPal or Credit card
- improved page encoding detection when parsing sites
- fixed a problem with displaying duplicate identical URLs
- fixed a bug of joining H2-H6 columns with H2-1 columns, etc.
- clickable links in the «Similarity to other URLs» window on the «Content» tab were added
- pop-up window with registration reminder now appears for all tariffs except the paid one
- fixed the «Invalid pointer operation» error occurs when switching between projects after PageSpeed scanning
- «Registration» item has been added in the «Help» section of the main menu of the program
- advertising banner was hidden for the paid version
- fixed various minor bugs and errors
Version 3.0 (build 418), 24.09.2023:
- SiteAnalyzer software become paid with the price of one license of USD 190 a time
- added the ability to change the alias of projects (the ability to give the project an arbitrary name instead of the default URL)
- added page display on the «Info» panel for the «TOP 30 Anchors» and «TOP External Domains» reports
- added the graph of links distribution to external domains (Custom Filters panel)
- added a graph of anchors distribution on the project by the number of words
- on the «SEO Statistics» tab the operation of the «Duplicates H1» filter was optimized
- fixed not correct counting of duplicates on the «SEO Statistics» tab
- fixed incorrect display of Page Speed metrics received via Google API
- bug «TProgressBar property out of range» occurring when scanning projects was fixed
- fixed data disappearing in the Info panel that occurs when clicking on a cell other than the «URL» one
- fixed bug with incorrect determination of the nesting level of pages (now it is counted by the number of clicks from the main page)
- improved page encoding detection when parsing sites
Version 2.9.7 (build 407), 25.07.2023:
- fixed the program hanging by 98% when scanning huge sites
- fixed the issue of duplication of resources over HTTP/S protocols
- counting of redirects was restored from beginning of site scanning in cases when only the first page was scanned before
- fixed the «Duplicate Pages» counter on the «SEO Statistics» tab working incorrectly when deleting pages earlier
- the accounting for the current filter is added to the right on the «SEO Statistics» tab when filtering data through the upper filter
- fixed incorrect display of the context menu for some items of the «SEO Statistics» tab
- the option «Corresponds» added in the URL filter settings in addition to «Contains» and «Does not contain»
- fixed a problem when the visualization graph showed an empty window after restarting the program
- fixed incorrect data export in the «Cyclic Links» report within the «Custom Filters» tab
- fixed the bug «TProgressBar property out of range» occured when scanning projects
- fixed «Access Violation» error occurred when rescanning selected URLs
- fixed the problem of incorrect accounting of redirects when loading projects into the program
- fixed «Argument out of range» error when adding URL to a project
- fixed incorrect positioning of the data export menu on the «Info» panel
- the «Hanging hub» counter of the «SEO Statistics» tab has been restored
- fixed «Out of range» error in «Data Extraction» section
- option to rescan N/A URLs added in the «Page Speed» section
- added the ability to copy particular table cells by Ctrl-C
- the option of data filtering is unlocked on the «PageRank» tab
- the program language change icon added to the quick launch toolbar
Version 2.9.6 (build 386), 01.05.2023:
- accelerated loading of projects (important for «large» sites)
- incorrect parsing of internal and external HTML was fixed when using XPath method
- combined accounting of duplicate pages URLs with and without slash, and added redirection accounting
- fixed «Access Violation» error that appeared during site scanning
- added error messages in the program log about loading project data
Version 2.9.5 (build 381), 02.04.2023:
- fixed incorrect accounting of Robots.txt file rules
- fixed program freezing when loading projects
- accelerated loading and saving of project data
- incorrect parsing of TITLE tag for images was fixed
- added additional visualization when saving and loading projects
- added simultaneous work of filters in the right panel and the filter on the top panel
- fixed an error occurred when setting up data filtering if the active project was not selected
Version 2.9.4 (build 374), 10.03.2023:
- fixed incorrect accounting of Robots.txt file rules
- incorrect sorting of columns on the «MetaRobots» tab was fixed in the table with the main data of the site
- URLs that are prohibited from indexing in the Robots.txt file have been removed from the duplicate page filters
- fixed incorrect URL structure parsing for sites running on port 443
- the functionality of the «View changelog» option has been restored in the Updater
- fixed not always correct version update from the program itself
- fixed site parsing errors in 32-bit version of the SiteAnalyzer
Version 2.9.3 (build 366), 28.02.2023:
- accelerated saving of project data
- accelerated and optimized scanner operation
- optimized canonical pages handling when parsing the site
- fixed incorrect display of Title and Description header error statistics
- fixed incorrect accounting of document exclusions in program settings during sites scanning
- fixed incorrect processing of non-Latin URLs imported through menu item «Check URL»
- fixed errors that appear when rescanning selected URLs when there is more than one
- fixed freeze of the scanner at the end of parsing and saving the project data
- pages that do not contain the TEXT/HTML type are hidden on the «Content» tab
- fixed program freezing that occurs during scanning of some types of sites
- fixed not always correct parsing of hyperlinks
- checking for a new version is now active every time the program is launched without the possibility of disabling it
Version 2.9.2 (build 353), 08.02.2023:
- fixed incorrect counting of H1 headers and its duplicates
- fixed incorrect operation of the scanner when parsing site URLs
- fixed freezing of the data processing window displayed when saving project data
- fixed the «Argument out of range» error on export buttons and right panel filters
- removed filter for displaying duplicates for the Keywords meta tag (not relevant)
- accelerated crawler performance, reduced memory usage
- added export of mindmaps to Xmind app format
Version 2.9.1 (build 344), 23.01.2023:
- fixed bug related to incorrect accounting of H1-H6 duplicates
- fixed a bug that appeared when exporting site structure to CSV
- fixed a bug where some sites were scanned using port 443
- added display of project scanning time (when hovering over the project)
- during scanning unblocked content with filters on the «Crawl Stats» and «SEO Stats» tabs
Version 2.9 (build 339), 17.01.2023:
- added the ability to import URLs into an active project via clipboard, text file, or Sitemap.xml
- added the top anchors filter in the «Custom Filters» panel and a graph of keyword density
- added the ability to export site structure to a MindMap diagram
- added the ability to duplicate projects (duplicate sites on different URLs)
- added a new filter containing active (current) page links, i.e. links from a page to itself
- added the specified response time for each proxy in the «Proxies» settings section
- added the ability to check the indexing of pages from the imported list of URLs
- added the ability to specify names for HTTP headers
- fixed the bug with empty link anchors and ALT texts of images in the «Info» panel
- fixed the incorrect data extraction from the imported URL list
- added the export of the imported URL list and the parsing of the H1-H6 tabs in the «Project» mode
- the settings in the «User Agent», «URL Exceptions», and «URL Sequence» sections are now saved separately for each project
- the program log is now informed if a site is banned for indexing via the «Robots» meta tag or the «X-Robots-Tag» HTTP header
- fixed the bug when the «Redirect address» column was empty after scanning pages with the 3xx code
- the updater module is now integrated into the program so the size of the distribution package has been reduced by 2 Mb
- after restarting a paused project, % progress is now continued from the last value at the moment of the pause instead of 0%
- the orphan pages filter (Orphan Pages, pages without external links) has been fixed
- fixed the «Access Violation» bug that appeared after deleting the newly created project
- fixed a bug that caused duplication of the last line when exporting a custom report to Excel
- plenty of other minor bugs have been fixed
Version 2.8.2 (build 319), 26.08.2022:
- added support for WebP images format
- fixed overwriting of data parsing presets when installing a new version of the program
- fixed error «Not valid integer value» that occurs when starting the program
- fixed a bug with debugging information that occurs when starting the program
- fixed a bug where after resuming scanning after a pause, the project started to be scanned again
- fixed a bug where some of the extracted data disappeared after rescanning the project
Version 2.8.1 (build 317), 15.08.2022:
- proxies now work when checking for updates, program registration, and on the data extraction rules test form
- added an option to open the selected URL on Web.Archive.org in the «Info» panel's incoming and outgoing links and in the «Custom filters» tab
- added scrolling when selecting cells with the mouse, and also fixed copying data from cells using Shift + PgUP/PgDown
- fixed a bug that occurred when exporting Dashboard tab data to *.PDF, when the site optimization evaluation was taken from another project
- fixed a bug that occurred when the test form of the data extraction rules did not always load the source code of the page by URL
- fixed a bug that occurred in the Dashboard tab when the data was not updated after rescanning project pages
- fixed a bug where the contents of selected cells in just one line were not copied to the clipboard
- fixed a bug that did not always correctly identify the contents of the H2 tag
- added correct XML header when generating Sitemap for images
Version 2.8 (build 311), 27.07.2022:
- fixed «Access Violation» error that occurred when changing column widths on an empty database
- fixed bug «Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window» that appeared during demo mode startup
- other minor corrections
Version 2.8 (build 309), 26.07.2022:
- added domain analysis modules – a set of 6 modules (WHOIS, CMS-checker, subdomains finder, keyword density analysis, etc.)
- added the ability to use cookies, as well as exporting all the cookie information to a text file
- added the ability to export selected projects to Excel format in the projects list
- a button has been added that displays the data export menu on the Info panel
- added the ability to rescan 3xx redirects
- fixed a bug in the dashboard that occurred when switching between projects, when the main site quality indicators were summarized
- fixed a bug that occurred when exporting a project with an open tab with missing data. In this case, export used to be unavailable
- optimised Sitemap generation algorithm for images (images are now generated relative to Google recommendations)
- fixed the redundant count of the ALT tags content for favicons (ignoring the ALT for files inside the HEAD tag)
- optimized the feature of exporting user-visible fields to Excel instead of all the existing fields
- fixed a bug when the program sent incorrect headers to the server during the website scan
- fixed a server connection error that occurred when checking for version updates
- fixed incorrect parsing of the ALT and TITLE tags for images
- fixed the duplicate count of the H1 and Description tags
- fixed issues that could occur during the program registration
Version 2.7 (build 298), 28.03.2022:
- personal accounts have been added to the website along with the ability to use authorization keys to remove all the demo version restrictions
- the White Label section has been added to the app’s settings, which can be used to create branded reports
- added nodes search by a URL or a Title header in the visualization graph
- fixed an error that occurred when scanning sites that contain non-Latin characters
- the filtering of H1-H6 Duplicates in the "SEO Statistics" panel has been replaced with H1 Duplicates
- fixed incorrect detection of the HTTP / HTTPS protocol in the "SEO Statistics" panel
- fixed an error when parsing and scraping data led to incorrectly displayed encoding
- an option to "Export data to Excel" has been added to the main menu of the app and the project list menu
- fixed incorrect handling of JavaScript code when finding 301 redirects
- fixed incorrect handling of Canonical tags
Version 2.6 (build 293), 06.12.2021:
- added the ability to use custom HTTP headers when accessing a server
- added the ability to use a virtual robots.txt file instead of the real one (located at the root of the site)
- the uniqueness check tab now features the list of URLs with the most similar content
- added the ability to cancel the proxy list test at any moment after its launch
- rescan of the project’s custom URLs can now be multithreaded according to the settings
- added the SERPRiver service to the Yandex XML settings tab, which provides information about page indexing on Yandex
- fixed the Custom Search feature, used for content search on websites
- added the date of the last scan to the list of projects
- added the ability to move several projects to folders using drag-and-drop or context menu
- added extra buttons to check Google PageSpeed and content uniqueness on the corresponding tabs
- added the ability to open a robots.txt file of a specific site in a web browser
- added the ability to open the specific URL at Web.Archive.org
- added the "Source" column in the "Images" tab
- optimized the work of the exception list for website scan, added the RegEx support
- optimized and enhanced the rule setting for robots.txt files
- fixed an issue that occurred when a robots.txt file had incorrect rules
- fixed incorrect subdomain inclusion when the "Include subdomain" option is active
- fixed incorrect encoding of the HTML code in the data extraction test form
- fixed incorrect sorting of the "TOP domains" tab, as well as other filters of the "Custom Filters" tab
- fixed a bug that occurred when adding unlisted URLs to the filter of projects
- fixed incorrect encoding for sites that use the Windows-1251 encoding
- fixed incorrect data filtering when switching between regular tabs and Custom Filters
- fixed a bug that occurred when scanning a large number of sites in the list of projects
- fixed the detailed decryption of data received from Google PageSpeed
- fixed error statistics display for Title, Description and H1 headings
- the redundant context menu has been hidden in the Custom filters section
- optimized adding a large number of URLs to the list of projects
- optimized the process of URLs removal in projects
- fixed incorrect detection of URL nesting level
Version 2.5 (build 280), 26.07.2021:
- added data scraping based on XPath, CSS, XQuery, RegEx
- added a website content uniqueness checker
- added Google PageSpeed score checker
- added the group sites by folder feature
- added the list of projects filter by name
- fixed incorrect processing of URL exceptions
- fixed incorrect processing of website’s crawl depth
- the display of redirects for URLs imported from a file has been restored
- the ability to rearrange and save the order of columns on tabs has been restored
- the processing of non-canonical pages has been restored, fixed an issue with empty meta tags
- the display of anchor links on the Info tab has been restored
- increased the import speed for a large number of URLs from the clipboard
- fixed an issue with incorrect parsing of title and description
- the display of alt and title for images has been restored
- fixed an issue when a freeze occurred when switching to the "External Links" tab while scanning a project
- fixed a program freeze that occurred when switching between projects and updating the nodes of the "Crawl Stats" tab
- fixed incorrect definition of nesting level for URLs with parameters
- fixed data sorting by HTML-hash field in the main table
- the processing of Cyrillic domains has been optimized
- the interface of the program settings has been updated
- the logo design has been updated
Version 2.4.1 (build 240), 10.12.2020:
- fixed wrong counting of duplicate pages
- it now accounts Noindex tag in Meta Robots and X-Robots-Tag
- optimized parsing of several descriptions on the page – now it starts from the first on the list
Version 2.4 (build 239), 30.11.2020:
- added data export on Custom Search and Custom Filters tabs
- added data filtering on the Custom Search and Custom Filters tabs
- in Custom Filters section (3xx redirects) added export of target canonical URLs
- restored ability to scan sites hosted on local servers (localhost)
- fixed incorrect display of actual information about duplicate site pages
- fixed incorrect display of Alt and Title for images
- fixed incorrect accounting of external links, when the URL of the investigated domain is included in the URL of the external link
- fixed a bug with displaying incorrect information when switching between projects
- fixed a bug with incorrect display of infinite redirects
- fixed a bug where the progress bar freezes during data export
- fixed a bug where the project opening process freezes at 90% completion
- fixed incorrect data accounting of Robots.txt rules
- fixed incorrect data accounting in the "Internal Links Chart" module
- fixed typo "Content T1ype" in section "Crawl Stats"
- accelerated pause of scanning process when importing URL from file
- added displaying links to images from external domains in the "Images" tab
Version 2.3 (build 231), 19.10.2020:
- added the Page Load Performance graph, it can be used to analyze the load speed of a website
- added the Content tab, which displays the content distribution stats per symbols and words on each page
- additionally, the links chart is interactive now, it is connected with the Low Number of Backlinks report in the Custom Filters section
- custom Filters tab features a new Links node
- added an Image Sitemap generator
- fixed the bug when scanning of large websites with many redirects caused a program crash
- fixed the bugged Start button in the empty main window, now it correctly reacts to changes in the URL field
- fixed the bug that caused the incorrect H1-H6 headers display
Version 2.2 (build 227), 22.09.2020:
- duplicate pages are displayed properly now
- optimized parsing for H1-H6 headers
- 307 redirects are processed properly now
- fixed a text search bug in the Custom Search module
- the "Exclude / Include URL" tabs in the program settings are now automatically saved for each specific project
- "Crawl Subdomains" option was added to the program settings. It can be used to scan subdomains according to the scanning rules for the main domain
- the "Visualization Graph" module no longer has "end nodes" – code 200 pages are colored green now
- new version notifications now offer the automatic updates feature
Version 2.2 (build 225), 15.09.2020:
- we added a custom filters module to search for content on websites during crawling
- we added internal links chart of a website
- when dragging a node of a graph, its child elements are dragged together with it
- when clicking a node of a graph, inbound and outbound links have different colors
- the visualization graph legend is interactive now (when clicking the elements in the legend, the corresponding nodes are highlighted on the graph)
- X-Robots Tag option added to the website crawling settings
- optimized parsing for H1-H6 headers that utilize classes
- software hang in the final stage of large projects crawling is eliminated
- fixed incorrect statistics representation of duplicate meta descriptions
- fixed incorrect statistics representation of 404 pages
- blocked URLs in Robots.txt now return status code 600
- Response Time parameter is calculated more accurately now
- fixed incorrect Sitemap.xml generation
- redirects are displayed more accurate now
- sorting by URLs is more accurate now
Version 2.1 (build 216), 13.07.2020:
- added the ability to export every external link, 404 error, and image in a single report together with all the pages that contain them
- added the ability to manually rescan the URLs that return a response code of 0 (Read Timeout error) in one click from the context menu
- added the ability to hide and display certain columns and tabs in the main data block
- added the "Read Timeout" and "Blocked by Robots.txt" status updates for the URLs that return a status code of 0
- added a display mode for the graph visualization that sets the size of the nodes based on their PageRank
- added an extra button to calculate PageRank on the corresponding tab
- added the ability to rearrange and save the order of columns on tabs
- the active tab is now saved when switching between projects
- added the ability to parse the URLs protected with a .htpasswd file
- added the ability to export the data from the Dashboard tab to Excel
- fixed the AV error caused by switching to the "SERP Snippet" tab with no active project selected
- fixed the incorrect accounting of the inbound and outbound links and their mapping in different blocks of the program
- fixed the incorrect mapping of the percent indicators in the "Level" node
- fixed the incorrect mapping of the "Content-Type" node data in the project scan statistics
- fixed the unstable data filtering for an exact match
- fixed the problem of continuing the paused site scans
- fixed the incorrect HTTP/S sign when exporting reports to Excel
- fixed the incorrect accounting of canonical URLs during the website scanning
- fixed the incorrect accounting of Allow and Disallow statistics for robots.txt
- fixed the incorrect accounting of images ALT and TITLE attributes
- fixed the unstable PageRank calculation
- corrected the typo "Alernate" to "Alternate" on the Info tab
Version 2.0.2 (build 208), 03.05.2020:
- restored the correct work of the web crawler with Cyrillic domains
- fixed duplication of identical pages on the Duplicates tab
- fixed a bug when the data on the "SEO Statistics" panel was not updated during the first site scan
- added a new column on the "Media / HREFLANG" tab that displays the number of alternative URLs found
Version 2.0.2 (build 207), 26.04.2020:
- fixed bug on the Dashboard tab (found errors were not displayed)
- fixed bug checking randomly selected URLs on the page indexing check tab in Yandex SE (only the first URL was scanned)
- fixed a bug that occurred when deleting crawled pages added through the function of importing arbitrary URLs
Version 2.0.2 (build 206), 16.04.2020:
- fixed incorrect display of incoming links for URLs in the Info panel
- fixed incorrect display of statistics for doubles title, description and h1-h6 on the "SEO Statistics" tab (relevant for the first site scan)
- optimized rules to follows Robots.txt directives
Version 2.0.2 (build 205), 13.04.2020:
- increased parsing speed (growth of about 10%), increased stability of the scanner
- the speed of drawing the nodes of the graph is increased by an order of 10 times (now the graph can easily display up to 100,000 nodes)
- optimized time for the final saving of the project to the database (relevant for large sites)
- optimized display of duplicate headers H1-H6 (duplicate pages removed)
- added the ability to turn off alerts about the release of a new version when the program starts
- added a column indicating the number of incoming links to a page on the PageRank tab
- added ability to rotate the graph and change the scale by an arbitrary value
- fixed not always correct definition of non-canonical pages (Wrong Canonical)
- «Access violation» error occurred when deleting a large number of URLs
- URL disappearance bug fixed when pausing the project / URL list crawl process
- fixed a bug where the Delete button did not work in the Quick filtering field
- minor usability errors fixed, minor bugs fixed
Version 2.0.1 (build 201), 07.01.2020:
- fixed a program freeze that occurs at the end of website parsing
- restored the ability to scan large arrays of links when importing URLs from a file, clipboard, or by link
- fixed incorrect export of site structure to CSV
Version 2.0 (build 198), 23.12.2019:
- added website structure visualization on a graph (similar to Screaming Frog)
- added a feature to crawl local websites by URLs, not just by the main page, as it was before
- added a feature to crawl local websites running on LiveServer (and other servers) at URLs like
- added automatic re-crawling of pages if their loading is timed out (for example, when the website blocks a large number of simultaneous requests and returns undefined response codes)
- added automatic update of program versions (at program startup or through the main menu)
- added the option to copy text from the URL entry field by Ctrl-C
- added counter for the remaining time of the current project crawling
- optimized control of load speed and data recording in the database (now saving data to the database will not be so long with a large number of crawl threads)
- restored the option to scan large arrays of links when importing URLs from a file, clipboard, or by link
- fixed a bug with an incorrect server response when parsing pages containing a plus sign (+) in the URL
- fixed incorrect export of the website structure to CSV (the number of webpages was not completely exported)
- fixed incorrect accounting of the BASE tag content when parsing pages (when BASE HREF was a domain)
- fixed a bug that occurred when deleting arbitrary lines immediately after project crawling (also added URL deletion by the Delete button)
- fixed a bug where the scanner took into account the contents of "noindex, nofollow" meta tags when disabling this option in the program settings
- fixed a bug where the area of the selected cell range was not displayed upon the cursor removal in the table with the basic data
Version 1.9.2 (build 186), 03.10.2019:
- switch to the 64-bit version (crawling websites of up to 10 million or more pages)
- increased website crawling speed and reduced memory consumption
- added an option to run multiple program copies at the same time
- added an option of saving advanced filtering parameters when switching between tabs of the active project
- added memorization of column widths on tabs
- added an option of crawling specific URL groups, without having to crawl the entire website
- added an option to pause crawling a list of imported URLs
- the "lastmode" parameter is taken into account when generating a Sitemap
- added Server column indicating the type of server hosting the website (example: nginx/1.16.0)
- added display of states <null> and <empty> for H1-H6 headers
- added an option to crawl pages that do not respond with the Content-type header value
- optimized calculation of H1-H6 duplicates (null or empty H1-H6 are now not taken into account)
- contents of the "Exclude URL" tab of the general program settings have become common to all projects
- improved page encoding detection
- fixed incorrect display of pages with 3xx redirects
- fixed a bug related to incorrect accounting for "robots.txt" rules
- fixed incorrect parsing of pages containing a plus sign (+) in the URL
- fixed accounting of images when crawling a website when only HTML parsing is allowed in the settings (if, for example, disabled objects issue a 404 response code)
- fixed a crash that occurred when loading large projects
- fixed a bug that occurred when loading large projects when the lower progress bar showed more than 100%
- assigned a blue icon to 301 and 302 redirects instead of an orange when calculating SEO statistics, and set 1 weight point instead of 3
Version 1.9.1 (build 172), 19.07.2019:
- accelerated the calculation of PageRank (now even for hundreds of thousands of pages the calculation of PageRank began to take a few seconds)
- when calculating PageRank, weight transfer accounting for 301 redirects has been added
- fixed bug with incorrect consideration of "robots.txt" rules
- fixed a bug in which files like CSS and JS got into the database if scanning was disabled in the program settings
- fixed a bug where outgoing links from a previously processed page remained in the outgoing links of the page
- fixed a bug where the default number of PageRank calculation iterations was not saved in the program settings
- optimized statistics of displaying duplicate headers H1-H6 in the section "SEO Statistics"
- abolished stopping scanning when checking the BASE HREF tag, if they were not specified correctly
- now, when the scanner is stopped due to a lack of RAM, the scan is paused and does not stop
- fixed Access violation errors that periodically occur when closing the program
- accelerated writing data to the database when scanning is stopped
- accelerated removal of projects from the database
- improved display of CANONICAL chains
Version 1.9 (build 154), 20.06.2019:
- added the ability to scan a list of arbitrary URLs (using the clipboard or downloading a URL from a file on disk)
- added the ability to scan Sitemap.xml files (classic Sitemap or index with a list of XML files)
- added ability to select and copy cell values to the clipboard by Ctrl+A
- speed up the operation of deleting projects (for complete removal of projects must be done by compressing the database through the program menu)
- fixed problem with not always correct counting of empty H1 tags
- fixed problem with not always correct parsing of <title> attribute in images
- fixed program hang when moving through records during scanning
Version 1.8.3 (build 148), 16.05.2019:
- added Dashboard tab, which displays a detailed report on the current site optimization quality (the report is generated based on the SEO Statistics tab)
- added the ability to export Dashboard tab data to a handy PDF report
- in the main settings of the program, the ability to disable the <base> tag accounting has been added
- for more convenient cell copying, Shift and Ctrl events are added
- when setting the parsing of HTML pages only, the mixing of other types of pages has been fixed
- fixed not always correct handling of robots.txt
- restored display of external links (outgoing links)
Version 1.8.2 (build 145), 23.04.2019:
- added the ability to copy cell values to the clipboard when multiple elements are selected (main table + Info tab)
- added visualization of loading projects at program start
- added visualization of export projects in Excel/CSV
- added automatic database cleaning when deleting projects
- in the section "Site structure" added the display of the number of pages in folders
- fixed not always correct data export to Excel/CSV
- fixed freezes and emergency shutdowns of the program when navigating the Info tab
Version 1.8.1 (build 140), 09.04.2019:
- in the list of projects added automatic grouping of subdomains relative to the main domain
- added display of the source code of the page types: html, css, text, js (Info tab -> View Source)
- the legend of the graph with data has become interactive and now also filters data based on the values of the legend
- added the ability to export reports on the installed filters in the site master data table
- added ability to export reports on the Info tab for the selected URL (incoming, outgoing, redirects, images, etc.)
- added X-Robots-Tag column on the <All Links> tab
- fixed incorrect handling of robots.txt
- fixed HTTP/S protocol mapping for pages that actually do not have them
- fixed checking of indexing pages in Yandex (any page was shown in the index, even if it is not)
- fixed not always correct display of HREFLANG links
- fixed incorrect display of response codes for Youtube-video
- fixed incorrect display of external Nofollow links
Version 1.8 (build 136), 13.03.2019:
- corrected not always correct scanning of sites using the HTTPS protocol (hangs and incorrect processing of a slash)
- added correct operation of the scanner with sites that support the HTTP/2 protocol
- corrected not always correct accounting tag CANONICAL when scanning pages of the site
- corrected not always correct accounting ROBOTS.txt
- added accounting for CANONICAL tag when exporting Sitemap.xml
- fixed incorrect accounting of the site depth scan settings
- corrected not always correct PREV and NEXT parsing
- incorrect parsing of links containing uppercase characters has been fixed
- on the tabs Images, Video and Documents added display of the corresponding files from external resources
- in the Type of Technical Audit Content section, the bug of displaying statistics for elements displayed without specifying the content type was fixed
- when a new version of the program is detected, a window is added with a display of the full change history for all time
- fixed other minor bugs
Version 1.8 (build 135), 11.03.2019:
- the section "SEO statistics" has been completely redesigned, intended for conducting a site audit
- now SEO audit checks 50+ main SEO parameters and identifies 60+ key internal optimization errors
- added function to calculate the internal PageRank for any page of the site
- added accounting for X-Robots-Tag instructions in page headers
- the work of the program with Cyrillic domains was restored (the problem arose due to incorrect processing of CANONICAL)
- restored display of incoming links to pages with the response code 404 (Info tab)
- restored display of all site redirects (in the previous version, some of them were not displayed)
- fixed bug with exporting H1-H6 headers
- fixed minor gaps in program localization
Version 1.7 (build 128), 11.12.2018:
- added the ability to free check the indexing of pages in the Yandex by XML-limits using the Yandex XML and Majento.ru services
- added the ability to pause projects during scanning and continue scanning after restarting the program
- added parsing of the meta-tag rel="alternate" and displaying the contents of the tags "hreflang" and "media"
- added the ability to parse websites that give data in Gzip format
- corrected not always correct counting of pages in the site statistics scan filters
Version 1.6.2 (build 120), 13.11.2018:
- added ability to work with proxy lists (group add, delete, work check)
- fixed EOutofresourse exception when group scanning sites, when more than 1000 sites in project list
Version 1.6.1 (build 119), 31.10.2018:
- added SEO-audit of the site by length title, description, h1-h6, the number of external and internal links, the length of content (Settings -> SEO)
- added consideration of restrictions on the maximum number of redirects when parsing a site (Settings -> Basic)
- added display chains of redirects to the final page (Info tab -> Redirects)
- fixed duplication of pages when displaying duplicates in the "All" mode (via the context menu)
- fixed incorrect encoding when parsing meta tags of some types of sites
- fixed memory leaks when loading site icons
Version 1.6 (build 112), 09.10.2018:
- added the ability to filter data on any field using the "quick" filter
- for more detailed filtering, you can use a custom filter with advanced data selection settings
- in the panel with additional data was added a tab of the technical statistics of the site (links, meta tags, page response codes, "robots" directives, etc.), as well as the tab of SEO statistics – ß-version (duplicates of meta tags, blank page headings , the presence of descriptions in the tags "alt") with the possibility of automatic filtering for each parameter
- for the HEAD block added crawler attributes "Next / Prev" and "Refresh" with the ability to display the contents of these fields in the statistics of scanning
- the date of the "Last change" column document is now displayed in the format of the current country
- added "Snippets are only displayed for HTML format documents" warning for non-text/html format URI in the "Google snippet" tab
- added icon mapping for Cyrillic domains
- the maximum number of scan threads is increased to 100
- fixed export to Sitemap.xml: it is now validated (ampersand & replaced with its HTML-entity "&")
- fixed problem with hangup when sorting data by clicking on column header
Version 1.5.1 (build 104), 08.08.2018:
- increased speed of data export to Excel + eliminated bugs that occur when exporting large projects
- increased speed of generating a sitemap "Sitemap.xml"
- setting up the program for the "Scan" and "Exceptions" tabs became individual for each project
- fixed a bug where objects with the type "text/javascript" were recognized as documents, rather than files like "Javascript"
- fixed incorrect parsing of the meta-tag TITLE with the SVG-formatted image on the page (in which this tag is also present)
- fixed incorrect sorting of the main site data in the table, boolean type output (for example, sorting in the HTTPS column)
- added a pie chart showing the percentage of objects on the site (pages, images, styles, scripts, etc.)
Version 1.5 (build 101), 12.06.2018:
- increased the speed of parsing websites, increased stability of the program
- added the ability to download reports in Excel format (all results in one file, with tabs)
- added parsing video (avi, mpeg, mov, links to Youtube, etc. formats). New column "Video" in the main report + tab
- added parsing of documents (doc, xlsx, pdf, zip, mp3, etc. formats). New column "Documents" in the main report + tab
- added highlighting of lines around content types (URL, styles, scripts, images, videos, documents, etc.)
- added a visual display of the progress of data loading for "large" projects
- added the ability to copy selected URLs in the list of domains
- restored parsing and displaying files in *.css format
- corrected incorrect accounting of the rules of the file "robots.txt" when parsing websites
- optimized database structure, the removal of projects began to occur many times faster
Version 1.4.5 (build 96), 24.04.2018:
- increased the speed of parsing sites (compared to the previous version, the speed increased up to 10 times)
- fixed errors that occur periodically when writing data to the database
- added the ability to select the types of analyzed objects (pages, images, styles, scripts)
- added the ability to select multiple URLs and launch them to a re-scan, or group delete them
- when exporting data, the automatic specification of the section name is added, which is unloaded (export_site.com_h1.csv)
- when data exporting, was added request to overwrite existing files
Version 1.4.4 (build 91), 18.03.2018:
- added the function of generating a site structure from parsed pages, with the ability to upload data to Excel
- added the ability to compare the speed for each site on the chart
Version 1.4.3 (build 89), 26.02.2018:
- it became possible to add sites to the list of projects
- added display of data download speed when parsing sites (URI/sec)
- added showing of favicon sites in the list of projects
- restored the display of data in the "Info" tab
Version 1.4.2 (build 85), 11.02.2018:
- added limit the number of pages scanned
- added the ability to scan selected projects (scan several projects in turn)
- added the ability to delete selected projects
Version 1.4.1 (build 83), 20.11.2017:
- added parsing and displaying headers h1-h6, as well as their duplicates
- added multilanguage support (the program became available in English, German, Italian and 14 other languages)
- in the program interface the storage of the sizes of the left and right panel is added, and also the possibility of their full concealment
- in the program settings are combined into one two items on Meta Robots (accounting NoIndex and NoFollow)
- fixed incorrect definition of text encoding for some sites
Version 1.4 (build 79), 18.10.2017:
- added an information panel with detailed information about the interesting URL (internal links, external, images, snippets)
- added tab with displaying the contents of the meta-tag "robots" (index, nofollow)
- added the ability to limit the time of scanning the project (indicated in hours)
- corrected an incorrect indication of the level of nesting of pages (now it is counted from 0, not from 1, as it was before)
- fixed minor errors in the scanner's logic, optimized program interface
Version 1.3.2 (build 76), 03.10.2017:
- added display of hints for cells whose contents were larger than their width
- the project re-scan now starts with the original URL entered, not from the root host, as before
- fixed incorrect adherence to the directives "robots.txt", as well as the following Robots User-Agent
Version 1.3.1 (build 74), 28.09.2017:
- added the ability to scan Cyrillic domains
- added default sorting of the list of projects by name
- incorrect registration of the contents of "robots.txt" when scanning a project
- added follow-up to the rel="canonical" and "base href" directives on the site
- added the ability to manually specify the number of pages to stake out "sitemap.xml" not a few files
- added the storage of the active project when the program is closed and its load when it is subsequently launched
- the correctness of logging user actions in the program was restored (section Log)
- restored scan progress display on Taskbar
Version 1.3 (build 71), 10.09.2017:
- completely redesigned source code, increased program speed
- added multithreading (it became possible to manually specify the number of threads to scan the site)
- changed the principle of storing data from PostgreSQL to SQLite (greatly reduced the size of the distribution)
- added work through Proxy, the ability to specify the User-Agent, as well as the exclusion of certain sections of the site when scanning
- added parsing of Java scripts and CSS-styles (previously they were not parse)
Version 1.2 (build 52), 22.02.2017:
- fixed incorrect definition encoding TITLE
- added the ability to pause the scan for later resumption ("Pause / Resume" button)
- added tab HRAFLANG, showing the linguistic affiliation of pages (when available)
- added displaying the contents of "the alt" and "title" images (the "Images")
- added display of external links with the attribute NOFOLLOW (tab "External Links")
- added display time scanning the site (located next to the progress bar)
- fixed message "ZLibError" in the column "Status" for some sites
- fixed zero time values in the column "Load Time"
- added display of progress scan site to the taskbar
Version 1.1 (build 48), 05.02.2017:
- fixed bugs that occur when parsing "TITLE" meta tag (for details of the sites displayed in wrong encoding)
- added account "ROBOTS.TXT" file directives, as well as meta-tag "robots" when crawling pages on your site
- accounting added rel="nofollow" when crawling pages on your site
- added generation of cards "SITEMAP.XML" of the site (including "smart" cards splitting into multiple files on 50,000 pages)
- added the ability to display the "duplicate" pages, meta tags and headers
- given in the order interface, increased stability of the program
Version 1.0 (build 26), 20.11.2016:
- the ability to scan all pages of the site (links pereobhod on site)
- definition of title, description, keywords, h1-h2
- statistics on the internal and external links
- definition code server responses for downloaded files and pages
- page load time definition
- export reports to Excel (*.xls)
- autosave data