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Errors in SEO: «Redirect Blocked by Robots.txt»

Errors List

  1. 3xx Redirected Pages
  2. 4xx Error Pages: Client Error
  3. 5xx Error Pages: Server Error
  4. Bad AMP HTML Format
  5. Bad Base Tag Format
  6. Blocked by Meta Robots
  7. Blocked by Robots.txt
  8. Blocked by X-Robots-Tag
  9. Broken Images
  10. Broken Pages
  11. Broken Redirect
  12. Canonical Chain
  13. Canonical URL Contains Another Host
  14. Canonicalized Pages
  15. Compliant AMP Pages
  16. Compliant URLs with Query
  17. Contains Flash
  18. Contains Lorem Ipsum
  19. Duplicate Descriptions
  20. Duplicate H1
  21. Duplicate Pages
  22. Duplicate Text
  23. Duplicate Titles
  24. Emojis or Special Characters in Description
  25. Emojis or Special Characters in Title
  26. Endless Redirect
  27. External Dofollow Links
  28. External Nofollow Links
  29. External Redirect
  30. GA: Compliant Pages w/o Traffic
  31. GA: Max Bounce Rate
  32. GA: Non-Compliant Pages with Traffic
  33. GSC: Compliant Pages w/o Clicks
  34. GSC: Compliant Pages w/o Impressions
  35. GSC: Non-Compliant Pages with Impressions
  36. Hreflang: Duplicate Alternate URLs
  37. Hreflang: Duplicate Language Codes
  38. Hreflang: Inconsistent Language Code in Confirmation Links
  39. Hreflang: Incorrect Language Codes
  40. Hreflang: Links to Non-Compliant URLs
  41. Hreflang: Missing Alternate URLs
  42. Hreflang: Missing Confirmation Links
  43. Hreflang: Missing Self-Reference
  44. Hreflang: Relative Links
  45. HTTPS → HTTP Hyperlinks
  46. HTTPS → HTTP Redirects
  47. Hyperlinks with Empty Anchor Text
  48. Identical Canonical URLs
  49. Images Without Alt Attributes
  50. Images Without Title Attributes
  51. Internal Nofollow Links
  52. Links to Localhost
  53. Links with Bad URL Format
  54. Long Server Response Time
  55. Max Content Size
  56. Max Description Length
  57. Max External Links
  58. Max H1 Length
  59. Max HTML Size
  60. Max Image Size
  61. Max Internal Links
  62. Max Redirections
  63. Max Title Length
  64. Max URL Length
  65. Min Content Size
  66. Min Text/HTML Ratio
  67. Missing Internal Links
  68. Missing or Empty Description
  69. Missing or Empty H1
  70. Missing or Empty Robots.txt File
  71. Missing or Empty Title
  72. Missing Structured Data
  73. Mixed Content
  74. Multiple Descriptions
  75. Multiple H1
  76. Multiple Titles
  77. Nofollowed by Meta Robots
  78. Nofollowed by X-Robots-Tag
  79. Non-Compliant Canonical URL
  80. Non-HTTPS Protocol
  81. PageRank: Dead End
  82. PageRank: Missing Outgoing Links
  83. PageRank: Orphan
  84. PageRank: Redirect
  85. Percent-Encoded URLs
  86. Query Contains Question Mark
  87. Redirect Blocked by Robots.txt
  88. Redirect Chain
  89. Redirects with Bad URL Format
  90. Refresh Redirected
  91. Same Title and Description
  92. Same Title and H1
  93. Self-Referencing Hyperlinks
  94. Short Description
  95. Short H1
  96. Short Title
  97. Spelling Mistakes
  98. URLs with Unwanted Special Characters
  99. URLs with Uppercase Characters
  100. URLs with UTM Parameters
  101. URLs with Wrong Hyphenation

Importance: High

Error «Redirect Blocked by Robots.txt» Description

Indicates addresses of the pages that return a redirect to a URL blocked by robots.txt. Note that the report will contain each URL from the redirect chain pointing to the blocked address.

Redirect Blocked by Robots.txt

The Importance of the Problem

A redirect blocked by robots.txt occurs when the first URL is allowed for crawling, and the final address of the redirect or any other URL in the redirection chain is disallowed. In this case, the search robot follows the link, but cannot continue crawling, because it hits the blocked address.

Such redirects have a negative effect on site crawling and waste link weight. Thereby, important pages may receive less link weight and lower priority for the search robot → therefore, they will be crawled less frequently, get lower search positions, and drive less traffic than they could.

How to Fix Error

Delete internal links to redirects or replace them with links to available addresses.

After that, recheck redirect settings, there may be an issue in the final redirect URL. If there are no issues, block the initial redirect URL in the robots.txt, in order for the search robot not to crawl it.

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