Importance: Low
Error «Max Title Length» Description
Indicates compliant pages with the <title> tag exceeding 70 characters (by default). Note that you can change the default value on the 'Restrictions' tab of crawling settings.

The Importance of the Problem
A title tag is an essential element of search engine optimization, and its content is often used in the headline of a search result.
Search engines display approximately 70 characters of the <title> tag in search results, and the rest is truncated. As a result, a truncated title may be unattractive to users, and the site might lose search traffic.
At the same time, search engines consider up to 12 words from the title. That's why it can be longer than 70 characters to cover more keywords relevant to the page.
How to Fix Error
Create a unique (within the site) title tag for each page which will concisely describe its content and contain target keywords. It should be brief and informative: the optimal length is from 40 to 70 characters, maximum is up to 12 words or 140 characters.