Importance: Medium
Error «Max Image Size» Description
Indicates addresses of the images with the size exceeding 100 kBs (determined by the Content-Length HTTP response header). Take into account that the 'Check images' option should be enabled on the 'General' tab of crawling settings to detect this issue. Note that you can change the default value on the 'Restrictions' tab of crawling settings.

The Importance of the Problem
Heavy images load more slowly and thereby slow down the page load speed. If a page takes a long time to load (especially on mobile devices with lower Internet speed), a user may consider the website low-quality and leave it.
How to Fix Error
For photos, it is necessary to use the optimal raster format (JPEG, PNG, GIF) and compression without quality loss; for other images (e.g. logos, illustrations) — vector format. For modern browsers, it is recommended to transfer images using such formats as WebP or JPEG XR.
Also, it is necessary to upload an image with the same size as the HTML container in which it is displayed. This way the browser won't waste time to download extra data.
The optimal image size is up to 100 kBs.