Importance: High
Error «Links with Bad URL Format» Description
Indicates pages that contain links with bad URL format.

The Importance of the Problem
Both users and search robots cannot open a URL with bad format because the address is unavailable.
Following non-working links, users see an error page instead of desired content, that's why they may consider the site low-quality and leave it.
When the site has lots of links to broken pages, search engines may also consider it low-quality and decrease its rankings in search results. As a result, the site may lose search traffic.
How to Fix Error
Usually, this issue occurs due to spelling mistakes (typos in a web protocol, incorrect slash symbol, etc.) or extra characters in link addresses.
To check what links have bad URL format, click the 'Issue report' button over the main table. These links are to be fixed (so they lead to available addresses) or deleted from the source code.