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Ticket system in SiteAnalyzer Personal account

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2023-06-05 | Time to read: 2 minutes
Author: Simagin Andrey

Hi all!

We have just added a full-fledged ticket system for you to ask a question to technical support through Personal account.

Requests to technical support via the ticket system

A ticket is an individual correspondence on a certain subject in which you communicate with SiteAnalyzer specialists. There can be many messages in one ticket and they all concern the same subject or problem. For each new topic a separate ticket is created.

One of the main advantages of the ticket system is systematization of your requests.

Advantages of the ticket-system:

  • Tech support can separate one request from another. Previously one email correspondence could deal with several different issues, or several letters could be related to the same request, so it was at least difficult to reconstruct the history of requests.
  • Helpdesk specialists and users can see the history of each request: both the correspondence and the objective data – when it was received, when it was completed, when the status was changed, etc.

Ticket system features:

  • Email notification when a ticket is created and when a response is received from tech support.
  • When creating a ticket, user may attach an image (screenshot) to his/her message for more detailed problem identification.
  • Closed ticket is marked with a gray color and is sent to archive. The whole history of correspondence with the technical support is stored in your personal cabinet.

Create a support request

Thus, all «Welcome!» to our tech support system. We also remind that for issues of a technical nature, it is desirable to provide more information about the problem, such as the site address, under what circumstances the error occurs and what actions were performed before it occurred, as well as to attach, if possible, a screenshot of the error. This information will greatly speed up the response time and save you from unnecessary questions.

Request for technical support is created in Personal account in the «Support» section.

Important! Requests for technical support through the Personal account on the site are processed in priority order. All other types of requests (Email, groups in social networks, forums) are not a priority and are only of an advisory nature.

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