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What is better: adaptive layout or mobile site?

As well as the issues of transition to adaptive design when using the mobile version

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2019-02-07 | Time to read: 5 minutes
Author: Simagin Andrey

Adaptive design

Adaptive design means that due to certain code styles, your website automatically adapts to the width of the device on which it is open, width, whether it is a PC monitor, smartphone or tablet.

Adaptive website design

When developing a site, layout designers do not make up a site for a specific size, for example, 800x480px, but create site pages from elements that automatically adjust to the width of the screen. The blocks simply change their location, and some do not appear on smartphones at all.

Advantages of adaptive design:


In general, the idea of developing a mobile version in an adaptive design is quite popular, despite the above-mentioned disadvantages. In particular, this concept is fully supported by such giants as, for example, Google.

Mobile version of the site

Mobile version involves the development of a version of the site on a subdomain, for example, "", to which the visitor is redirected in the case of using a mobile device. This technology allows you to create a mini version of the site with the most important information, not overloaded with content and various design elements, and most importantly with large navigation elements.

Mobile version of the site



In general, the creation of mobile versions of sites justifies itself quite well, in particular, for large projects. As an example – Amazon, which uses a special, mobile version of the site.

If you have a mobile version of the site in the subdomain




How to switch to responsive design if you use the mobile version of the site?


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Igor Shulezhko comment (SEO Manager from

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