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SaaS SEO checklist with 130+ points for free!

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2024-10-12 | Time to read: 11 minutes
Author: Elena Dyulgerova

My team and I at Scalerrs spent hours recapping the most powerful SEO optimisations & frameworks for a SaaS company.

All the SEO elements that have scaled our clients organic traffic and pipeline to new levels.

SaaS SEO checklist with 130+ points for free!

Status Action Item
🔎 Up Front Strategy
Align your SEO strategy with your GTM motion (Self Serve, SMBs, Enterprise)
Communicate before hand expectactions with C suite around the SEO strategy and timeline for growth
Determine the viability of SEO as a channel and the ROI at stake (Consider building a SEO growth model to do this by reverse engineering potential results and resources needed to rank)
🔎 General SEO
Set up Google Analytics (GA)
Set up Google Search Console (GSC)
Set up Bing Webmaster Tools
Add 'trust' (E-E-A-T) pages (About, Privacy Policy and TOS)
🔎 UX
Ensure navigation includes key pages (Product pages, "industry" pages, template hub, blog hub...)
Ensure all pages & features are accessible on mobile
Ensure no broken links exist within the website
Ensure a logical & optimised navigation throughout the website that fits the buyer journey
Add social trust through customer testimonials & trust badges
Include numerous CTAs that stay top of mind through out the scroll
Add exit intent pop ups to key pages such as product pages / homepage / blog posts (Potentially) 
Add prominent CTAs inside your blog post content to increase conversions
Add sticky CTAs to your blog posts on desktop to increase conversions
Add prominent CTAs to the end of your blog posts to increase conversions
🔎 On Page SEO
Fix missing and duplicate meta titles & descriptions
Check and fix broken internal links on your website
Keep URLs short & include your target keyword in the URL
Add internal links from your homepage towards your key target pages such as "product pages", "industry pages", templates hub and blog hub to pass down link equity
Include your target keyword in Meta Title, URL, Meta Description and <p> Tag (Body content)
Only include a single H1 on each page
Ensure keywords aren't cannabalizing different pages
🔎 Money Pages SEO
Respect all mentionned previous on page SEO elements above
Conduct manual keyword research around your potential product & industry (I.e "invoicing software for accountants") pages
Dig into GSC to pull through high impression "commercial" intent product keywords that might be emerging in your vertical
Conduct a competitor gap analysis to identify which "money" keywords around your ICP your competition has focused on
Review & replicate your competitor's strategy in terms of site architecture, page layout, content depth and internal linking
Prioritise previously found KW opportunities (Product & industry pages, templates) depending on ACV potential 
Optimise your meta description & meta title for CTR on the SERPs
🔎 a) "Product" and "Industry" Pages SEO
Use high quality assets (Photos...etc)
Consider embedding a video asset targeting the same product keyword directly on your product page to increase page score thus rankings
Add customer reviews of your product (Written and video if possible)
Add an FAQ section
Add internal links towards other key related "Product" and "Industry" pages
Ensure your product page's depth is thorough and matches or supasses that of your competitors
🔎 b) "Individual Template" Pages SEO
Identify the search intent in Google (I.e does this target keyword better suit for a category (Broad intent) or an individual template (Narrow search intent)
Add internal links with descriptive anchors to other key related "Template" pages (Preferably the same topical cluster)
Ensure your "individual template" page's depth is thorough and matches or supasses that of your competitors
Consider using SurferSEO/Clearscope/Frase for optimising for secondary keywords
Consider using a "internal block" to link back to key related feature pages (I.e product CTA)
Include a FAQ section
Include breadcrumbs linking back to "template category" pages to pass down link equity
🔎 c) "Template Category" Pages SEO
Identify the search intent in Google (I.e does this target keyword better suit for a category (Broad intent) or an individual template (Narrow search intent)
Add internal links with descriptive anchors towards other key related "Template Category" pages (Preferably the same topical cluster)
Ensure your "template category" page's depth is thorough and matches or supasses that of your competitors
Add content at the bottom of the page to increase the page depth
Consider using SurferSEO/Clearscope/Frase optimising for secondary keywords inside the category page content
🔎 Content Marketing
Define a TOV (Tone of voice) that matches that of your ICP
Map out your content strategy by using the customer aware framework (Unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware, most aware)
Map out your ICP de define key pain points, search journeys, and "jobs to de done" (Consider using your sales and customer support team for insights)
Use competitor review websites (E.g G2) to find extra pain points and JTBD keywords.
Drill down on "switch moments" to identify any potential format your ICP are using to solve their "Job To Be Dones" (I.e maybe it's excel, Notion, paper ...etc) - this will lead to insighful keywords you can target.
Create content highly centered around your ICPs interest to drive demand generation
Nail search intent by creating the most relevant format and depth that answers the search query you are targeting
Perform a content audit to remove potential content cannibalisation and topics outside your content map focus
Identify which "product pages" you have a fair chance of ranking, and identify which topical clusters you need to support those rankings
Max out the bottom of the funnel before moving up in the funnel 
Map out & prioritise content clusters by ACV potential that can be built out 
Conduct manual keyword research by using seed keywords to identify content opportunities potentially untapped
Make sure to answer multiple JTBDs of different target persona's if your SaaS buying cycle has multiple decision makers
Before creating any new content, identify any quick win opportunities regarding your existing content mpa that may fit your target goals
Conduct a competitor gap analysis to identify which clusters of keywords centered around your ICP your competitors have focused on
Identify untapped BOFU intent keywords in GSC where a round up " Best X" post could rank
Create BOFU comparison content with competitors to recuperate conversions and dominate the narrative around your product ("Your Brand" VS "Competitor Brand")
Create BOFU competitor alternative content to position yourself as a solution ("Competitor Brand" VS "Competitor Brand") 
Ensure all your content is keyword optimised (Use tools such as SurferSEO/Clearscope/Narrato/Frase)
Write for the user & not for search engines while hitting search intent
Include E-E-A-T frameworks by adding relevant sourced existing or unique quotes from field experts to enhance the uniqueness of your content
Ensure target keyword is in the URL, meta title, H1, and intro
Use subheadings (H2s, H3s..) to show Google's crawlers the hierarchy of your content
Use alt text for your images
Internally link to relevant product, industry and template pages to push these target pages higher up in their own rankings
Internally link to supporting articles to create relationships between articles in the same cluster
Vary up internal link anchors to drive more secondary keyword rankings to target pages (Secondary keywords can be found in Ahrefs and GSC)
Link out to relevant authoritative sources (AVOID competitors though)
Add "nofollow" tags to external cited sources
Format & proofread all content before publishing live
Map out any "free tools" your ICP is searching for you could create to acquire targeted users onto your site
🔎 Content Refreshing
Identify decaying content to be refreshed
Identify low hanging fruit (Positions 5-16) that can be pushed up higher in the rankings
Regularly update your content by adding new sections and entities
🔎 Site Speed Optimisation
Use a server that is closest to your target market
Set up a CDN (content delivery network)
Minify your JS/CSS files
Reduce image sizes before uploading
Enable lazy loading if possible
Display images in next-gen formats (WebP)
🔎 Technical SEO
Ensure your website is secure with HTTPS
Ensure you only have one subdomain (www. or non-www and that the later redirects to the main)
Ensure you have a XML sitemap containing all important pages and submit it to the Google Search Console (GSC)
Find and fix Index Coverage Errors in Google Search Console
Ensure all hrelang tags are correctly setup (If multilingual site)
Setup robots.txt correctly
Review and fix 301 redirect chains and loops on your website
Use 301s redirects when needed
Noindex irrelevant pages to prevent index bloat
🔎 Backlink Profile
Low amount of spammy backlinks
Anchor text are not over-optimised (I.e too many exact/partial match anchor texts)
Link profile is natural and balanced out
🔎 Link Building
Map out your link building strategy to identify which key "conversion heavy" pages need backlinks to be pushed higher up in the SERPs
Before building any backlinks determine the ROI on any link building efforts to key target pages ( Use AVC and Google Ad spend to gauge value)
Ensure you have the same internal link strategy than your competitors in your backend
Ensure you are using a 360 approach where you are building links (I;e not only to product pages but also supporting blog articles)
Funnel backlink power purposely through your website to power up key pages
As a rule, aim to match your competitor's links in terms of type & anchor text in the SERPs
Get your product featured in product "Best X" round ups
Get interviewed on podcasts & blogs
Setup "Help A B2B Writer Out" to drive expert commentary quote mentions in return for a backlink (This will also build out your author footprint)
Create unique content to acquire links through outreach & promotion (data studies, industry insights, expert round ups ...)
Build links using ABC link building (The backbone of link building in SaaS)
Identify key websites where you could pitch a guest post in order to build the highest impact links (I.e if a website has an article and ranks for the KW "lead generation", pitch him a supporting article he hasn't yet written such as "SaaS lead generation")
Aim to pitch guest posts with the aim of not only getting a link but ranking your guest post, this will make your link highly impactful as it will have traffic but also you should aim to drive conversions from the guest post as the topic should be tied back to your product ideally. 
Consider a digital PR campaign (Can also strengthen the trust associated with your brand if done correctly)
Reach out your "integration partners" where you haven't been linked too for a link back. You may even consider a guest post opportunity.
Reach out to brands that have re used your image assets for a credit back in the form of a backlink
Recover unlinked brand mentions by reaching out to brands that have mentioned you but have forgot to link back to you
Consider building some free tools around your ICPs needs, once ranked these can be some excellent link magnets
Consider giving bloggers in your niche a free trial of your product (E.g 3 months), this would help build backlinks and conversions at the same time.
Consider building a link building growth loop through your product (I.e Typeform) (This is hard to do but can be a catalyst for your growth if done correctly).
Aim for SERP MONOPOLY where you are featured on multiple websites that are ranking on page 1 for your target keyword 
🔎 Measuring Success
Track the pipeline revenue directly correlated with your SEO efforts
Track the conversions of your SEO traffic to determine wether or not you are attracting the right audience through your strategy
Track your SQLs to determine if you are attracting your ICP specifically or not, this will allow you to pivot if needed
Track your overall ROI on your SEO channel by determining your conversions, SQLs, AVCs compared to your SEO investment (SEO management, content production and link building)
Track your increase in non branded VS branded queries to show the success or your non branded SEO strategy
Track the positions of target keywords in the SERPs to determine if your SEO strategy is playing out correctly

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