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SiteAnalyzer SEO Tools

Bulk Redirect Checker Tool

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SiteAnalyzer SEO Tools browser Extension, for Chrome and Firefox

What Does the Redirect Checker Tool Do?

HTTP 301 and 302 URL Redirect Checker enables a user to check if a URL is redirected. The 301 redirect checker will display the HTTP status code and the destination URL.

The tool checks redirection in depth, up to 5 redirect chain.

Several features of the Redirect Checker:

  • check if the page "not found" gives 404 code
  • find out which redirect is configured on the server – 301 or 302
  • avoid surprises when gluing PageRank
  • analyze redirect chains
  • find out where the link encrypted with abbreviations like leads
  • find out where the link leads in an AD
  • check redirect for affiliate link without clicking on it

What is the Redirect?

Redirect – automatically redirect visitors to a new URL. Cyclic redirection can harm the SEO-optimization of the site and lower its position in the SERP.

What is the Redirect Chains?

A redirect chain is a redirect not in one, but in more than two steps. Experts argue about their harmfulness: up to 5 transitions are called not very harmful, since search robots are able to go through them.

But for the effective promotion of the site chains should not be on the site at all. A chain of redirects can lead to a cyclic redirect if it is configured incorrectly. And this will adversely affect search results.

The reason for the appearance of transition chains and cyclic redirection could be a virus infection. Search engines may find your site unsafe for users and block traffic.

Types of Redirects

Redirects exist in several forms, we will mention two of them: temporary and permanent. The code 301 is responsible for each of them: reports that the page has been moved to an address on an ongoing basis and 302, which similarly works for temporary movement.

How redirect chains affect promotion:

  • slow down the process of displaying web documents – users may not wait and go to competitors
  • visitors can be warned that your site is unsafe for him, as it causes a cyclical redirection, and there is a risk of such one
  • "steal" the link weight, since links do not completely transmit it
  • spend crawling budget, pages can be poorly indexed

Redirect chain elimination

Redirect chains are > 2 redirects from one page. It is advisable to avoid them.

They negatively affect the promotion: increase the loading time of the content, spend the crawling budget, "steal" the link weight, and can bring the site to cyclical redirection.

You will need to find out the reason and understand why the redirect occurs.

Find redirect chains using our free tool.


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