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Link (URL) Extractor

Extract Nofollow, UGC and Sponsored links Rel





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SiteAnalyzer SEO Tools browser Extension, for Chrome and Firefox

The Link Extractor tool will help you to extract all the URLs contained on the site page (external and internal), show the rel type: Nofollow, UGC or Sponsored and display them in a convenient list for transferring to Notepad or Excel.

What is the Nofollow attribute?

More recently, links with the nofollow attribute were processed according to the following rules:

  • Links cannot be crawled by a search crawler.
  • The weight of the links is not transmitted.

Now nofollow links can transfer weight, and therefore taken into account when ranking pages. In other words, the issue of transferring weight to specific nofollow links depends on the solution to the search algorithm.

For example, as a ranking signal, nofollow can be taken into account if they are placed on reputable sites that have moderation. An example of such a site is Wikipedia.

If nofollow is placed on sites of low authority, then such links may not be taken into account.

So, the main conclusion regarding nofollow is the following – now nofollow links can be used as a reference signal when ranking pages in organic search engine results.

The innovations were not limited to this. In the future, the search engine crawler will follow nofollow links and index pages.

The Nofollow attribute Example:

  • <a href="" rel="nofollow">Link text</a>

What is the Sponsored attribute?

The Sponsored attribute is intended for marking up links that are associated with advertising materials or paid publications.

On the site with the tag Sponsored you should mark the following links:

  • Outgoing links paid. For example, if the page contains advertising content and the link leads to the sponsor’s website.
  • Links that are hosted in paid guest posts.
  • Any other advertising links.

The Sponsored attribute Example:

  • <a href="" rel="sponsored">Link text</a>

What is the UGC attribute?

The UGC attribute is used to mark up links that lead to user-generated content. This attribute should be used in cases where the author is not an authoritative source of information.

For example, UGC markup should be used for such blocks:

  • Comments under articles.
  • Forum posts.

Still such markup should be used for guest posts, if we are talking about such UGC sites

So, the UGC attribute should be used to mark up links located in the content generated by users of the site.

The UGC attribute Example:

  • <a href="" rel="ugc">Link text</a>

Is it possible to set many values in the rel attribute?

Yes. Values can be combined. For example, like this:

  • <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Link text</a>


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