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Detailed description of SEO audit parameters

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2019-05-10 | Time to read: 14 minutes
Author: Simagin Andrey

The table below contains descriptions of all the parameters being checked and the errors detected in the "SEO Statistics" section.

SiteAnalyzer, SEO Statistics

The column with a question mark (?) Indicates the criticality of the error:

Group / Parameter
Broken images
Shows unavailable images (disconnecting to the server, exceeding the time to wait for a response, etc.) or images that return the server response code 4xx and 5xx
Images without an ALT attribute
Shows pages containing images with a missing or empty ALT attribute
Images without TITLE attribute
Shows pages containing images with a missing or empty TITLE attribute
Max. image size
Shows the addresses of images that are larger than [200] Kbytes (determined by the HTTP Content-Length header). This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings, the tab "SEO"
Broken links
Shows inaccessible URLs (disconnecting to the server, exceeding the time to wait for a response, etc.) or addresses of pages that return a 4xx and 5xx server response code
Pages without incoming links
Shows pages to which no internal links lead
Pages without outcoming links
Shows pages from which no outgoing links lead (only internal links of the current project are taken into account)
Internal nofollow links
Shows pages containing outgoing internal links with the attribute rel = "NOFOLLOW"
External nofollow links
Shows pages containing outgoing external links with the rel = "NOFOLLOW" attribute
External dofollow links
Shows pages containing outgoing external links without the rel = "NFOLLOW" attribute
Maximum Internal links
Shows pages with more than [100] outgoing internal links. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Maximum External links
Shows pages with more than [10] outbound external links. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Redirect blocked by robots.txt
Displays page addresses that return a redirect to a URL that is blocked in the robots.txt file. The report will display all URLs from the chain of redirects that lead to a blocked address
Broken Redirects
Shows the addresses of pages that return redirection to inaccessible URLs (disconnection from the server, timeout for a response, etc.) or URLs that return a 4xx and 5xx server response code
Infinite redirects
Shows the addresses of pages that eventually redirect themselves to themselves, thereby forming an endless redirect
Max. redirects
Shows the addresses of pages with more than [3] redirects. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings ("Main" tab)
Redirects Chain
Shows URLs with chains of referrals (more than 1 redirect)
External Redirects
Shows internal URLs that return 3xx redirects to an external resource that is not part of the site being analyzed
301 redirect: Moved Permanently
Shows internal URLs returning 301 redirects
302 redirect: Moved Temporarily
Shows internal URLs returning 302 redirects
Redirect with the meta tag Refresh
Displays the URLs of pages that contain the REFRESH directive in the HTTP response headers of the server or the <meta http-equiv = "refresh" /> tag in the HEAD block, pointing to another URL
Canonical, locked in robots.txt
The contents of the CANONICAL directive in the HTTP response headers of the server or <link rel = "canonical" /> tag in the HEAD block
Canonical chain
Shows URLs with CANONICAL chains (canonical pages that link to pages that in turn have links to other canonical pages). There should be more than 1 canonical page in the chain
Canonical URL duplicates
Shows pages with the same canonical URLs in the <link rel = "canonical" /> tags of the HEAD block or in the HTTP header «Link: rel = "canonical"»
Non Canonical pages
Shows non-canonical pages where the URL in the <link rel = "canonical" /> tag or the HTTP header «Link: rel = "canonical"» points to another page
HTTP / HTTPS version pages
Pages accessible via HTTP / HTTPS protocols and giving the response code of server 200 (they are also duplicate pages)
Hanging node
Shows the pages that were defined by the "hanging nodes" algorithm for calculating internal PageRank. These are the pages to which the links lead, but there are no outgoing links to them themselves, or they are closed from the robots by scanning instructions
No incoming links
Shows pages that were determined by the internal PageRank calculation algorithm as unreachable. These are pages to which no inbound links were found by the algorithm (this can occur when scanning a list of URLs that are not related to each other)
No outcoming links
Shows the addresses of pages for which outgoing links were not found after the application of the internal PageRank calculation algorithm (this often happens when the outgoing links from the page have not yet been scanned)
Shows URLs that were determined by the internal PageRank calculation algorithm as redirecting the reference weight (these can be URLs that return 3x redirects or contain canonical / refresh instructions that point to another URL)
Indexing & scanning
4xx errors: Client Error
Shows URLs that return 4xx server response code
5xx errors: Server Error
Shows URLs that return 5xx server response code
Invalid format Base tag
Shows pages containing a wrong BASE tag
Blocked by robots.txt
Shows URLs denied to crawl using the Disallow statement in the robots.txt file
Blocked by Meta Robots
Shows pages that are not allowed to be indexed using the <content = "noindex"> instruction in the <meta name = "robots" /> tags of the HEAD block
Blocked by X-Robots-Tag
Displays URLs that are not allowed to be indexed using the NOINDEX directive of the X-Robots-Tag field in the HTTP response headers of the server
Nofollow in Meta Robots
Displays HTML pages containing the nofollow directive in the HEAD block's <meta name = "robots" /> tags
Nofollow in X-Robots-Tag
Displays HTML pages containing the nofollow directive in the X-Robots-Tag field of the HTTP server response headers
Missing or empty robots.txt
Shows pages where the robots.txt file is missing or empty on the host
Page duplicated
Shows full page duplications across the entire HTML page code
Duplicate text
Shows duplicate pages by textual block content, excluding HTML code (plain-html)
Missing or empty Title
Shows pages with missing or empty TITLE tag
Missing or empty Description
Shows pages with missing or empty DESCRIPTION tag
Missing or empty H1
Shows pages with missing or empty H1 tag
Duplicate Title
Shows pages with duplicate TITLE tags
Duplicate Description
Shows pages with duplicate DESCRIPTION tags
Duplicates H1-H6
Shows pages with duplicate H1 headers
Multiple Title Tags
Shows pages that contain more than one TITLE tag
Multiple Description Tags
Shows pages that contain more than one DESCRIPTION tag
Multiple H1 Headers
Shows pages that contain more than one H1 tag
Same Title and H1-H6
Shows pages where the H1-H6 header matches the content of the TITLE tag
Min content size
Shows pages with less than [2000] characters in the <body> block (without HTML tags). This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Coded URLs
Displays URLs that contain coded (non-ASCII) characters and spaces. For example, a URL likeпри encoded as
Max. Title length
Shows pages where the length of the TITLE tag is more than [70] characters. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Max. Length Description
Shows pages whose DESCRIPTION tag is longer than [250] characters. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Max. H1-H6 length
Shows pages where H1-H6 tags are longer than [60] characters. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Short Title
Shows pages where the length of the TITLE tag is less than [5] characters. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Short Description
Displays pages whose DESCRIPTION tag is shorter than [70] characters. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Short H1-H6
Shows pages where H1-H6 tags are shorter than [5] characters. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Max. HTML size
Shows pages with more than [50] thousand characters in the <html> block (including HTML tags). This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Max. content size
Shows pages with more than [50] thousand characters in the <body> block (without HTML tags). This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Min Text / HTML ratio
Displays pages where the ratio of plain text to page code is less than [10%]. This parameter is customizable and can be changed in the program settings (tab "SEO")
Language Version Pages
This section contains a list of all HREFLANG element values that were found on the project pages
Pages with hreflang elements
This section lists all the HREFLANG element values that were found on the project pages and the HREFLANG values are not equal to X-DEFAULT
Invalid hreflang URLs
This section lists all the pages that have links in hreflang elements to 404 pages
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