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Overview of SiteAnalyzer Version 1.9.1

Description of new features in version 1.9.1 (build 172)

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2019-07-19 | Time to read: 5 minutes
Author: Simagin Andrey

In SiteAnalyzer 1.9.1 we optimized the speed of calculating the internal PageRank, and also tried to eliminate the accumulated bugs.

SiteAnalyzer 1.9.1

Key Changes

  • Accelerated the calculation of PageRank (now even for hundreds of thousands of pages the calculation of PageRank began to take a few seconds).
  • When calculating PageRank, weight transfer accounting for 301 redirects has been added.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect consideration of "robots.txt" rules.

Other changes

  • Fixed a bug in which files like CSS and JS got into the database if scanning was disabled in the program settings.
  • Fixed a bug where outgoing links from a previously processed page remained in the outgoing links of the page.
  • Fixed a bug where the default number of PageRank calculation iterations was not saved in the program settings.
  • Optimized statistics of displaying duplicate headers H1-H6 in the section "SEO Statistics".
  • Abolished stopping scanning when checking the BASE HREF tag, if they were not specified correctly.
  • Now, when the scanner is stopped due to a lack of RAM, the scan is paused and does not stop.
  • Fixed Access violation errors that periodically occur when closing the program.
  • Accelerated writing data to the database when scanning is stopped.
  • Accelerated removal of projects from the database.
  • Improved display of CANONICAL chains.

For the program to work correctly and the calculation of PageRank, it is necessary to rescan all projects.

Check for updates! :-)

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